
Process Implementation

It seems like distant past when big companies rely on individual efforts to accelerate process initiatives. They are long-service employees who became the experts of how things and processes work in the company. They are always consulted because of their business owners and managers listen to them. Think about them as company seniors whom we seek advice from when things go wrong and consulted whenever changes are planned.

When a company relies and completely dependent on its individual heroes for change and process enhancement, it is on its 1st level of process culture maturity.

Why are processes important?

During the early stage of processes, it can hamper growth. However, as your company grows, you need to create processes. It is the only way to scale. With an increasing number of employees and clients, you need to be organised.

Business process not only increases the efficiency, but it also decreases the risk of error. Consider organizations that have spent millions on advertisement only to launch with a glaring misspelling. A process that ensured a detail-oriented editor would review the copy before it was finalized could have prevented that from happening.

Or what about software companies that deploy a new feature that is causing defects, getting customers complains. It is clear creating and implementing processes is important to drive business growth, so that keeps companies on track from effective implementation.

A Step-by-Step Procedure

Step 1:  Assess Development Organization
Step 2:  Plan Process Implementation
Step 3:  Execute Process Implementation
Step 4:  Evaluate Process Implementation

Different Implementation Approaches

There are several approaches to implementing process and tools in an organization. Several examples of different approaches are listed below.  They describe what you do for a development organization, however, to understand what to do in a software development project, see Concept: Implementing a Process in a Project.

  • A Typical Approach
  • A Fastl Approach
  • A Careful Approach
  • A Distributed Approach
  • A Development Environment for the Organization

Different Implementation Approaches

It is important to understand these top reasons for failure:

  • Failure to incrementally implement process and tools.
  • Lack of management support.
  • Lack of bringing stakeholders onboard all stakeholders affected by the new process and tools must be onboard, including customers, other department, and sub-contractors.
  • Lack of willingness or ability to deal with organizational change.

These reasons focus on non-technical issues, which is exactly what our experience shows. 

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